Everyone has probably heard of the cloud or cloud computing by now🙂
But what do we understand by Edge Computing and Fog Computing?
This article tries to shed some light on this foggy matter …
Cloud, Fog and Edge (source: pubnub.com/blog/moving-the-cloud-to-the-edge-computing/)
Cloud computing in its forms SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) has already established itself in many areas . Prominent examples are the SaaS environment Salesforce.com or IaaS / PaaS environment , the Amazon Web Services (AWS) or the Oracle Cloud .
Large servers in large data centers enable the services to be provided worldwide ; the user often only needs a browser (SaaS) . Many companies are already considering multi-cloud scenarios .
Under Edge Computing refers to the use of the distributed computing power of devices at the edge of the network (Edge) . In the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) , billions of intelligent devices will be active at the edge of the network and will communicate with central systems (or with each other in peer-to-peer scenarios).
Fog computing refers to the computing power that lies between the central systems and the edge devices . One example of this are IoT gateways that combine data from several IoT nodes and transmit it to the central systems.
Further information on this topic can be found, for example, in the article Moving the Cloud to the Edge at PubNub , from which the illustration above is also taken.
PS: As part of the cloud Mall BW project that opens Fraunhofer IAO, bwcon and other partners , the topic of cloud computing with a focus on the middle class.
Source: innovative-trends.de